ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES 4.1 November 23, 2015 - Regular. 4.2 December 7, 2015 - Special. 4.3 Reading of resolutions passed following the closed session of the November 23, 2015 Council meeting,
PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS Presentation to Firefighters and Police Officers re: Awards and Certificates of recognition from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services for dedicated service in connection with the June 23 2012 Mall disaster Presenter: Mike Mantha, MPP
CORRESPONDENCE LIST December 3, 2015. Letter from the Municipality of West Nipissing re: request that the provincial government address the financial burden of increasing hydro rates on northern and rural Ontario residents and businesses
REPORTS 9.1 December 9, 2015. Report from the Manager of Recreation and Culture re: amendments to the agreement with Retirement Living for use of Stoneridge Golf Course for cross country skiing opportunities Agenda Package Pg 1 9.2 December 8, 2015. Report from the By-laws and Planning Committee re: Zoning amendment to re-establish lot line between detached dwelling units at 61 and 63 Hergott Avenue 9.3 December 8, 2015. Report from the By-laws and Planning Committee re: Woodlands Cemetery By-law amendments 9.4 December 8, 2015. Report from the Director of Operations re: Tender for the supply of Gasoline, Diesel Fuel and Lubricants 9.5 December 9, 2015. Report from the Director of Operations re: funding agreement with the Province of Ontario under the Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program 9.6 December 1, 2015. Report from the Director of Clerks and Planning Services re: request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) As this matter deals with a request for information under MFIPPA, it shall be discussed in closed session under Section 239.(3)(a) of the Municipal Act. 9.7 December 9, 2015. Report from the Director of Clerks and Planning Services re: Purchase proposal - Vacant land adjacent to No Frills on Highway 108 North As this matter deals with the disposition of land owned by the Municipality, it may be discussed in closed session under Section 239.(2)(c) of the Municipal Act. 9.8 November 20, 2015. Letter from L. Brown Breetvelt re: disposition of the Northern Institute of the Arts artwork collection As this matter involves litigation or potential litigation affecting the Municipality, it may be discussed in closed session under Section 239.(2)(e) of the Municipal Act. 9.9 December 14, 2015. Verbal update from the Chief Administrative Officer re: negotiations with Elliot Lake Retirement Living with respect to the Stoneride Golf Course As this matter involves the security of the property of the municipality, it may be discussed in closed session under section 239.(2)(a) of the Municipal Act.
BY-LAWS 12.1 By-law No. 15-58 Being a by-law to amend the Municipality's Zoning by-law by adding impact of residential waterfront development provisions to the Shoreline Residential zone to minimize environmental impact of residential waterfront development 12.2 By-law No. 15-59 Being a temporary use zoning by-law to permit a grocery store at the Collins Hall 12.3 By-law No. 15-60 Being a by-law to establish Municipal User Fees for 2016 and to repeal By-law No. 15-17 12.4 By-law No. 15-64 Being a by-law to authorize an agreement with ELRL for the use of lands beyond Spine Road for the purpose of cross country ski trails 12.5 By-law No. 15-66 Being a by-law to amend the agreement with Huron Lodge Community Service Board Inc. for the provision of specialized transit services by extending the term 12.6 By-law No. 15-67 Being a by-law to authorize an agreement with New North McDougall Energy for the supply of gasoline, diesel and lubricants 12.7 By-law No. 15-68 Being a by-law to authorize an agreement with ELRL for the use of Stoneridge Golf Course for cross country ski trails and to repeal By-law No. 15-63 12.8 By-law No. 15-69 Being a by-law to amend the Woodland Cemetery By-law by replacing Schedule A - price list 12.9 By-law No. 15-70 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with M. Mantha, MPP, for space (Suite 310) at the Civic Centre 12.10 By-law No. 15-71 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with M. Mantha, MPP for space (Suite 311) at the Civic Centre 12.11 By-law No. 15-72 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with M. Mantha, MP, for storage space at the Civic Centre 12.12 By-law No. 15-73 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with the Elliot Lake Amateur Theatre Ensemble for space at the Civic Centre 12.13 By-law No. 15-74 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with Carol Hughes, MP for space at the Civic Centre 12.14 By-law No. 15-75 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with the Elliot Lake Model Railway Club for space at the Civic Centre 12.15 By-law No. 15-76 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with the Elliot Lake Arts Club for space at the Civic Centre 12.16 By-law No. 15-77 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with the Elliot Lake Nuclear and Mining Museum for space at the Civic Centre 12.17 By-law No. 15-78 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with the Stage Door Players for space at the Civic Centre 12.18 By-law No. 15-79 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with SERCO Des Inc. for space at the Civic Centre 12.19 By-law No. 15-80 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with the North Channel Litercy Council for space at the Civic Centre 12.20 By-law No. 15-81 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with Community Living Algoma for space at the Civic Centre 12.21 By-law No. 15-82 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with the Gallery at the Centre operated by ARIEL for space at the Civic Centre 12.22 By-law No. 15-83 Being a by-law to authorize a funding agreement with the province of Ontario as represented by the Ministry of Transportation under the Dedicated Gas Tax funding for Public Transportation program
ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES 4.1 November 23, 2015 - Regular. 4.2 December 7, 2015 - Special. 4.3 Reading of resolutions passed following the closed session of the November 23, 2015 Council meeting,
PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS Presentation to Firefighters and Police Officers re: Awards and Certificates of recognition from the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services for dedicated service in connection with the June 23 2012 Mall disaster Presenter: Mike Mantha, MPP
CORRESPONDENCE LIST December 3, 2015. Letter from the Municipality of West Nipissing re: request that the provincial government address the financial burden of increasing hydro rates on northern and rural Ontario residents and businesses
REPORTS 9.1 December 9, 2015. Report from the Manager of Recreation and Culture re: amendments to the agreement with Retirement Living for use of Stoneridge Golf Course for cross country skiing opportunities Agenda Package Pg 1 9.2 December 8, 2015. Report from the By-laws and Planning Committee re: Zoning amendment to re-establish lot line between detached dwelling units at 61 and 63 Hergott Avenue 9.3 December 8, 2015. Report from the By-laws and Planning Committee re: Woodlands Cemetery By-law amendments 9.4 December 8, 2015. Report from the Director of Operations re: Tender for the supply of Gasoline, Diesel Fuel and Lubricants 9.5 December 9, 2015. Report from the Director of Operations re: funding agreement with the Province of Ontario under the Dedicated Gas Tax Funds for Public Transportation Program 9.6 December 1, 2015. Report from the Director of Clerks and Planning Services re: request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA) As this matter deals with a request for information under MFIPPA, it shall be discussed in closed session under Section 239.(3)(a) of the Municipal Act. 9.7 December 9, 2015. Report from the Director of Clerks and Planning Services re: Purchase proposal - Vacant land adjacent to No Frills on Highway 108 North As this matter deals with the disposition of land owned by the Municipality, it may be discussed in closed session under Section 239.(2)(c) of the Municipal Act. 9.8 November 20, 2015. Letter from L. Brown Breetvelt re: disposition of the Northern Institute of the Arts artwork collection As this matter involves litigation or potential litigation affecting the Municipality, it may be discussed in closed session under Section 239.(2)(e) of the Municipal Act. 9.9 December 14, 2015. Verbal update from the Chief Administrative Officer re: negotiations with Elliot Lake Retirement Living with respect to the Stoneride Golf Course As this matter involves the security of the property of the municipality, it may be discussed in closed session under section 239.(2)(a) of the Municipal Act.
BY-LAWS 12.1 By-law No. 15-58 Being a by-law to amend the Municipality's Zoning by-law by adding impact of residential waterfront development provisions to the Shoreline Residential zone to minimize environmental impact of residential waterfront development 12.2 By-law No. 15-59 Being a temporary use zoning by-law to permit a grocery store at the Collins Hall 12.3 By-law No. 15-60 Being a by-law to establish Municipal User Fees for 2016 and to repeal By-law No. 15-17 12.4 By-law No. 15-64 Being a by-law to authorize an agreement with ELRL for the use of lands beyond Spine Road for the purpose of cross country ski trails 12.5 By-law No. 15-66 Being a by-law to amend the agreement with Huron Lodge Community Service Board Inc. for the provision of specialized transit services by extending the term 12.6 By-law No. 15-67 Being a by-law to authorize an agreement with New North McDougall Energy for the supply of gasoline, diesel and lubricants 12.7 By-law No. 15-68 Being a by-law to authorize an agreement with ELRL for the use of Stoneridge Golf Course for cross country ski trails and to repeal By-law No. 15-63 12.8 By-law No. 15-69 Being a by-law to amend the Woodland Cemetery By-law by replacing Schedule A - price list 12.9 By-law No. 15-70 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with M. Mantha, MPP, for space (Suite 310) at the Civic Centre 12.10 By-law No. 15-71 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with M. Mantha, MPP for space (Suite 311) at the Civic Centre 12.11 By-law No. 15-72 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with M. Mantha, MP, for storage space at the Civic Centre 12.12 By-law No. 15-73 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with the Elliot Lake Amateur Theatre Ensemble for space at the Civic Centre 12.13 By-law No. 15-74 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with Carol Hughes, MP for space at the Civic Centre 12.14 By-law No. 15-75 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with the Elliot Lake Model Railway Club for space at the Civic Centre 12.15 By-law No. 15-76 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with the Elliot Lake Arts Club for space at the Civic Centre 12.16 By-law No. 15-77 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with the Elliot Lake Nuclear and Mining Museum for space at the Civic Centre 12.17 By-law No. 15-78 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with the Stage Door Players for space at the Civic Centre 12.18 By-law No. 15-79 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with SERCO Des Inc. for space at the Civic Centre 12.19 By-law No. 15-80 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with the North Channel Litercy Council for space at the Civic Centre 12.20 By-law No. 15-81 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with Community Living Algoma for space at the Civic Centre 12.21 By-law No. 15-82 Being a by-law to authorize a lease agreement with the Gallery at the Centre operated by ARIEL for space at the Civic Centre 12.22 By-law No. 15-83 Being a by-law to authorize a funding agreement with the province of Ontario as represented by the Ministry of Transportation under the Dedicated Gas Tax funding for Public Transportation program