ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES August 28, 2017 - Regular.
PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS September 6, 2017. Request to address Council from Chamber of Commerce re: Proposal to include Pickle Ball facility in the Multi-purpose Complex Presenter: Tom Turner, Vice President, Chamber of Commerce
INTRODUCTION AND CONSIDERATION OF CORPORATE REPORTS September 7, 2017. Report from the Manager of Human Resources re: Workplace Accommodation As this matter deals with personal information about identifiable individuals, it may be discussed in closed session under Section 239.(2)(b) of the Municipal Act.
PRESENTATION OF COMMITTEE REPORTS 7.1 Referral from Committee of the Whole for further discussion re: Public Private Partnership proposal - inclusion of Pickle Ball facility in the Multi-purpose Complex Council may consider moving this item forward on the agenda, in order to facilitate a conference call with William Elliott to be scheduled at the beginning of the Council meeting. 7.2 Referral from Committee of the Whole for further discussion re: Amend By-laws regulating the keeping of animals and birds 7.3 Referral from Committee of the Whole for further discussion re: consideration of site for Community Hub 7.4 September 5, 2017. Resolution from Committee of the Whole re: rotation of chair for the Committee of the Whole Meetings Res. 17-1 That the Chairmanship of the Committee of the Whole meetings rotate at each meeting to allow each member of Council an opportunity to chair the meetings; and that the Mayor chair this first meeting. 7.5 September 5, 2017. Resolution from Committee of the Whole re: Amendment to Council Code of Conduct to remove sections referencing the CAO as the Integrity Commissioner Res. 17-6 That the proposed amendment to the Council Code of Conduct, adopted by By-law No. 16-74, be amended to reflect the appointment of the Integrity Commissioner and remove the portion of the Code of Conduct which places the integrity commissioner function and duties with the Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Elliot Lake, and that a by-law to amend the Code of Conduct be prepared for consideration by Council. 7.6 September 5, 2017. Resolution from Committee of the Whole re: Reconstruction and upgrade of Drainage Ditch system Res. 17-5 That Staff Report OPS2017-26 dated August 29, 2017 of the Director of Infrastructure Services be received; and that contract 2017-11 for reconstruction and upgrade of a drainage ditch system in the amount of $93,535.00 plus applicable taxes be awarded to Wendell Farquhar Trucking Ltd. 7.7 September 5, 2017. Resolution from Committee of the Whole re: Request from Rogers Communications to extend lease agreement Res. 17-8 That Staff Report CK2017-14 of the Director of Clerks and Planning Services dated July 31, 2017 concerning a request from Rogers Communications Inc. to extend the lease agreement authorized by By- law No. 95-128 for location of communications towers and equipment at the Roman Avenue Water Tower Standpipes site be received; and that the Committee of the Whole recommend to Council the acceptance of the proposed $7,500 rent for the renewal period of April 1, 2031 to March 31, 2036 and that the necessary by-law be prepared and presented at the next regular meeting of Council; and that an appendix be added to the lease renewal agreement to ensure that the beacon be illuminated.
CORRESPONDENCE August 25, 2017. Letter from MP of Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke re: federal government proposed changes to tax law
INTRODUCTION AND CONSIDERATION OF BY-LAWS 13.1 By-law No. 17-50 re: Amend Recruitment, Selection and Hiring Policy By-law No. 04-111 by changing the membership of the CAO Selection Committee to the Human Resources Manager and all members of Council 13.2 By-law No. 17-51 Being a by-law to amend the Council Code of Conduct By-law No. 16- 74, by replacing sections referencing the CAO as the Integrity Commissioner 13.3 By-law No. 17-52 Being a by-law to authorize an agreement with Wendell Farquhar Trucking Limited for the reconstruction and upgrade of a drainage ditch system located on Dunlop Shores Road
16. CLOSED SESSION (if applicable) 17. ADJOURNMENT
ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES August 28, 2017 - Regular.
PUBLIC PRESENTATIONS September 6, 2017. Request to address Council from Chamber of Commerce re: Proposal to include Pickle Ball facility in the Multi-purpose Complex Presenter: Tom Turner, Vice President, Chamber of Commerce
INTRODUCTION AND CONSIDERATION OF CORPORATE REPORTS September 7, 2017. Report from the Manager of Human Resources re: Workplace Accommodation As this matter deals with personal information about identifiable individuals, it may be discussed in closed session under Section 239.(2)(b) of the Municipal Act.
PRESENTATION OF COMMITTEE REPORTS 7.1 Referral from Committee of the Whole for further discussion re: Public Private Partnership proposal - inclusion of Pickle Ball facility in the Multi-purpose Complex Council may consider moving this item forward on the agenda, in order to facilitate a conference call with William Elliott to be scheduled at the beginning of the Council meeting. 7.2 Referral from Committee of the Whole for further discussion re: Amend By-laws regulating the keeping of animals and birds 7.3 Referral from Committee of the Whole for further discussion re: consideration of site for Community Hub 7.4 September 5, 2017. Resolution from Committee of the Whole re: rotation of chair for the Committee of the Whole Meetings Res. 17-1 That the Chairmanship of the Committee of the Whole meetings rotate at each meeting to allow each member of Council an opportunity to chair the meetings; and that the Mayor chair this first meeting. 7.5 September 5, 2017. Resolution from Committee of the Whole re: Amendment to Council Code of Conduct to remove sections referencing the CAO as the Integrity Commissioner Res. 17-6 That the proposed amendment to the Council Code of Conduct, adopted by By-law No. 16-74, be amended to reflect the appointment of the Integrity Commissioner and remove the portion of the Code of Conduct which places the integrity commissioner function and duties with the Chief Administrative Officer of the City of Elliot Lake, and that a by-law to amend the Code of Conduct be prepared for consideration by Council. 7.6 September 5, 2017. Resolution from Committee of the Whole re: Reconstruction and upgrade of Drainage Ditch system Res. 17-5 That Staff Report OPS2017-26 dated August 29, 2017 of the Director of Infrastructure Services be received; and that contract 2017-11 for reconstruction and upgrade of a drainage ditch system in the amount of $93,535.00 plus applicable taxes be awarded to Wendell Farquhar Trucking Ltd. 7.7 September 5, 2017. Resolution from Committee of the Whole re: Request from Rogers Communications to extend lease agreement Res. 17-8 That Staff Report CK2017-14 of the Director of Clerks and Planning Services dated July 31, 2017 concerning a request from Rogers Communications Inc. to extend the lease agreement authorized by By- law No. 95-128 for location of communications towers and equipment at the Roman Avenue Water Tower Standpipes site be received; and that the Committee of the Whole recommend to Council the acceptance of the proposed $7,500 rent for the renewal period of April 1, 2031 to March 31, 2036 and that the necessary by-law be prepared and presented at the next regular meeting of Council; and that an appendix be added to the lease renewal agreement to ensure that the beacon be illuminated.
CORRESPONDENCE August 25, 2017. Letter from MP of Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke re: federal government proposed changes to tax law
INTRODUCTION AND CONSIDERATION OF BY-LAWS 13.1 By-law No. 17-50 re: Amend Recruitment, Selection and Hiring Policy By-law No. 04-111 by changing the membership of the CAO Selection Committee to the Human Resources Manager and all members of Council 13.2 By-law No. 17-51 Being a by-law to amend the Council Code of Conduct By-law No. 16- 74, by replacing sections referencing the CAO as the Integrity Commissioner 13.3 By-law No. 17-52 Being a by-law to authorize an agreement with Wendell Farquhar Trucking Limited for the reconstruction and upgrade of a drainage ditch system located on Dunlop Shores Road
16. CLOSED SESSION (if applicable) 17. ADJOURNMENT